Is money the most important thing?

  1. Ngoại ngữ

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IMO yes, up to a certain point.

Money can buy food, shelter, education, healthcare, and entertainment, which all directly or indirectly lead to happiness.

Having too much money, however, may lead to bigger financial management problems, though I've never been in that position to actually know :P

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IMO yes, up to a certain point.

Money can buy food, shelter, education, healthcare, and entertainment, which all directly or indirectly lead to happiness.

Having too much money, however, may lead to bigger financial management problems, though I've never been in that position to actually know :P

Money is not the most important thing, but it's still a means of survival, which means you're gonna need it as long as you wanna stay alive. :)))

We all only need an enough amount of money to take care of ourselves (food, water, shelters, clothing...) and fulfill other personal wishes (e.g. travelling, self-education, other hobbies...). But all these material things will never help us become happier. They can make us feel more satisfied, yes, but only for a certain period of time, not forever.

definately yes. IMO.

Money is the important thing, but it's not the most. It helps me to buy food, clothes, taking care for my selft. I try to make a bundle as much as I can, so on payday I usually treat myseft with the gourmet meal.

Money is not the most important thing, but without money, we are nothing. Life without money will be misarable one, especially when humankind becomes more & more ambitious & cruel. Again, i can imply that money is not the most important thing but it's so important that it can change the way you define your life.

I dont think that it’s most important, but it’s essential :) 

IMO yes, money can be considered as one of the most important things. When you do not have enough food to eat, water to drink, ... or in others word you do not have enough money to guarantee minimum need, all you can think about is how to earn money.

Money isn't everything. But without money, you have nothing.